Welcome to The Garden Center
From butterfly habitats to vegetable gardens, mulch, pottery, and more… we have what you need to grow it, green it, trim it, maintain it, protect it, and so much more. At our Garden Centers, we can help you with the right advice and the right products to ensure you get the results you are looking for. You’ll find everything you need to cultivate a healthy lawn and beautiful garden from the roots up at Hagan Ace Hardware.
~ Lisa Harrison, Hagan Ace Garden Center Director
Gardening, Planting and Lawn Tips
Annual Flowers
When potting plants, make sure to use a potting mix. It will retain more moisture, which will help potted plants. However, it may freeze in the winter so make sure to use garden soil when planting plants in the ground.
Consistently dead head spent blooms to encourage more blooms. Apply a pre-emergent (like Preen) to prevent weeds and grasses in your flower beds. We recommend applying Preen in February, May and September.
Use mulch to help with moisture retention and weed control. Apply 2-3 inches of mulch in the spring and fall.

Vegetable Gardening
Generally, you are safe to plant your veggies after April 15th. Use calcium nitrate granules when planting to prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes. Apply spray if you seen blossom end rot forming on your tomatoes.
When planting tomatoes, pinch leaves, plant deep and add calcium nitrate. Don’t over fertilize your veggies. Doing so will create leggy plants with less fruit.
Cool weather veggies should be planted in late February or early March. Fall cool weather veggies should be planted in late August or early September.
Start seeds 6-8 weeks before transplanting into your garden. Use seed starting soil. Add soil amendments in February; turn your soil with a tiller or shovel; and rotate where you plant your veggies.
Prune and fertilize azaleas and other shrubs after they have bloomed.
Use root stimulator when planting new shrubs to promote root growth. Mix native soil with garden soil.
Clean pruners with alcohol to prevent the spread of diseases in shrubs.
Pine bark mulch is recommended for azaleas, gardenias, hydrangeas and other acid-loving plants.
Hydrangeas- use aluminum sulfate to change the color of hydrangea flowers from pink to blue. Use lime to change the color from blue to pink.

The best time to apply Weed & Feed is after you wet your lawn.
Apply fertilizer and weed killer once your lawn is wet, and make sure it isn’t supposed to rain for 2-3 days after application.The best time to re-seed fescue lawns is in early spring or fall. It’s best to reseed bermuda lawns in June.
Apply crabgrass preventer in mid-February to prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds. Apply with fertilizer on fescue lawns. Apply without fertilizer for bermuda lawns.
Tips for Growing Roses
Florida Lawn Care Tips
Start a Vegetable Garden
Add Curb Appeal to Your Home